Archive for May, 2009

Over the Edge of the World

May 10, 2009

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to Over the Edge of the World – my blog chronicling (or chronicle-ing? I don’t remember my gerunds much) my adventures around the world during summer 2009!  Assuming I can get everything settled in the next month, I will be leaving on my journey on June 16th for Cuzco, Peru.  For now, enjoy the udpated look of the blog and the updated title.  Since I’m going around the world, I thought it would be fitting to read the story of the first true circumnavigator – Magellan.  The title, Over the Edge of the World, comes from the only book (of the same name) that I’m bringing with me – Magellan’s story, and a story of discovery that I hope will shed some light on my adventure around the world.  Like Magellan, I am going over the edge – perhaps in a slightly different sense, but still.  Anyway, stay tuned!  It will be an amazing trip.
